
11 May 2022 - 29 Jun 2022


11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Folk Art Lectures

The Museo Franz Mayer is pleased to announce its 2022 series of 6 conferences in English by the renowned anthropologist Marta Turok, head of the Ruth D. Lochia Center for Folk Art Studies housed in our Museum.

Discover the richness, diversity and creativity present in Mexican traditional arts, through a closer look to six fascinating topics:

Dates: May 11, 18 and 25, June 15, 22 and 29.


11:30 am to 1:30 pm / Mexico City (GMT)

3 sessions / $15 dlls. Per session / $300 pesos per session

Ritual Folk Art.

An important category of Folk Art created for use in rituals and festivals, not always apparent to buyers or collectors. The talk will select some of the most salient examples in the collection (masks not included) and their context of creation and use.  

The least published category of folk art, this talk will be inspired by Dra. Lechuga’s 1000+ piece collection catalogued and researched by Adriana Cañibe in the last few years and will include broad categories of jewelry such as plants and flowers, silver and gold and techniques. 

The humblest of materials: woven vegetable fibers.

Basketry and woven fibers come from a wide range of materials that showcase the environmental diversity of Mexico, and a wide variety of techniques and uses. The talk will give a glimpse to this wonderful aspect of Folk Art.

Introduction to the wonderful world of Mexican Textiles part 1.

One of the most relevant branches of Mexican Folk Art is its textiles with a history that goes back thousands of years. In this first talk we will focus on the prehispanic legacy of materials, techniques, forms and designs.

Introduction to the wonderful world of Mexican Textiles part 2.

In the second talk we will include the Spanish and Asian 500 year legacy through introduced materials, techniques, shapes and designs. 

The living dead

Tradition and innovation in Dia de los Muertos Folk Art. The surge in the interest of folk art relating to the theme of Day of the Dead holds great interest to both Mexicans and foreigners as it renders the deceased as living and lively. In this talk we will delve into a changing tradition that has given many artisans a constant theme. 

Sold out!
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  • Mtra. Marta Turok Wallace
    Mtra. Marta Turok Wallace

    Antropóloga mexicana con estudios de licenciatura y maestría en las universidades de Tufts, Harvard y la UNAM; así como un diplomado en Mercadotecnia de la Universidad de California en Berkeley. Realizó su trabajo de campo y de tesis en Chiapas, uno sobre el Huipil Ceremonial de Magdalenas y el otro sobre la Producción Textil en Chamula, además de aprender tzotzil y a tejer en telar de cintura. Ha colaborado en diversas instituciones federales, entre ellas el Instituto Nacional Indigenista, la Dirección General de Culturas Populares, donde llegó a fungir como Directora General y el Fondo Nacional para el Fomento de las Artesanías (FONART) como Subdirectora de Programas Sociales.

    Fue Presidente fundadora de AMACUP, la Asociación Mexicana de Arte y Cultura Popular, A.C. obteniendo diversos premios y reconocimientos por sus proyectos de ecología, diseño, mercado artesanal y exposiciones temáticas. Es autora y co-autora de decenas de artículos y libros, destacando Como Acercarse a la Artesanía, El caracol púrpura: una tradición milenaria en Oaxaca, Fiestas Mexicanas, Cerámica de Mata Ortiz, El Ropero de FridayEl Sarape de Saltillo.

    Actualmente es Coordinadora/Curadora del Centro de Estudios del Arte Popular Ruth D. Lechuga en el Museo Franz Mayer.

Hora local

  • Zona horaria: America/New_York
  • Fecha: 11 May 2022 - 29 Jun 2022
  • Hora: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM